
Options Trading ELITE is a think tank of powerful options traders who’ve decided to chip in to create options strategies and options systems to help teach a few willing students how to trade options successfully.

Who and what is Options Trading ELITE?

This is a site dedicated to developing advanced options trading students, one who want to target 7, 8 and even 9 figures in their trading.

We develop A LOT of options trading systems and strategies.  So we needed to make more websites to accommodate our volume of options system trading solutions.

WE are a group of traders.  Our head trader, systems developer is going on 30 years of experience investing, trading and systems development with over 17 years now in options.   Time flies when you’re having fun…

Options Trading ELITE was designed for people like YOU who want to push ahead and get it done, actually become a great trader and be one by habit!   So being an ELITE level trader will become simply who you are and what you do once you develop the success habits to that ELITE status point.

What’s ELITE?  You’re able to master price action trading all the way to the point of becoming an expert strategic trader or a simple systems trader, where as becoming simple into what works in trading is actually quite an achievement.

For more info about us contact us any time.  Some of you already know us.  But for those who don’t, don’t worry, we’ll take care of you and help MAKE you a successful trader!  On that note see our signals service and coaching service above for the direct route, the quick route to excellence.

We’ve been around quite a while online and most will know us through other brands in trading education, systems development.

We develop a lot of trading systems and strategies. Why?  Our systems just keep getting better and better.  We use them, of course, and we share some with you.  The systems we share are varied to meet different: personalities, trading times, instruments, styles, desired lifestyles, desired time involved in the markets and just different end goals.  So  you can imagine this would require many different systems to meet so many various demands of our customers .

Why do we make and sell trading systems?   Well making systems for you, for the challenges and ideals you give us stretches our minds and gives us fun challenges.  The benefit is that we’ve been able to develop some really, really, good trading systems and strategies thanks to our customers.  So it’s a win win:  By us making systems for you we are able to develop ground breaking, new limits in systems development that we would not have achieved just sitting here in our trading caves.  So thanks!  But also let’s get to work training you to trade these systems too!

Trading options maybe for you.  Maybe it’s not.  But if you have the spark, the desire to learn options trading, then we believe we can help you become a really good options trader.

Yes successful trading includes:  entering well, using stops losses, exiting well by using systems trading to potentially net out profits over time.  Emotional management is also important. You will need to learn how to put your emotions to constructive use (instead of the usual destructive use).  You will also need to understand how the markets work behind the scenes. Understanding money management and position sizing in order to engage in proper compounding is critical for success as well.  Then you’ll need to take all the principles of successful trading and turn them into a habit, create your own success habits that will automatically enable you to potentially grow large trading accounts. .

We mostly work with intermediate and advanced traders.  You’ll have to learn the mechanics of options first before you can trade our stuff. One tip:  don’t get caught up with the details and theories usually talking about “magical options strategy combinations”, “no lose options”, “buying cheap selling expensive”, “options pricing models” etc…  that most options educators teach in order to make themselves ‘look smart’ (it actually makes them look like they don’t know what they are talking about once you understand options a little).  Most wax theory but most lack any methodical way to actually trading and potentially continue to grow a trading account.  Upon enough requests we may put out our own Options 101 product to teach you the basics and get you on the right path.

For options basics use your options broker to explain!  They usually love to talk.    Just make sure learn how to trade with premium decay, expirations, strikes, deltas and contingent orders in a practical way.  Most of our trading here at Options Trading ELITE deals with stock trading but instead of stocks we replace stocks with options.

Your broker can be one of your best teachers in options mechanics- so go bug the tar out of them.  Bring them 10 questions a day and you’ll learn options the right way, quickly!  (they will also walk you through on how to place an options order).  And most of all start with tiny position sizes when you trade your money and stay very small for a while until you have worked out any mistakes in your trading. Avoid the temptation to try to make big money fast. This is not going to happen until you know what you’re doing. And understand that making big money in trading is a methodical process, it takes systematic trading overtime in order to get there.