MERCURY1.7 High Momentum Options Swing Trading System

MERCURY1.7 High Momentum Options Swing Trading System

Instant Solution for High Probability and High Accuracy Options Swing Trading - a Long Time Proven Winner

If a trading method keeps on working even though you wonder all the time if it will keep on working what does that mean?

This means you have a system that is based off of fundamentals of price action that is based off of human emotion or the anti-movements to human emotion.  In fact, this price strategy for swing trading options, or rather "high momentum option swing trading" is based off of the principle emotion of "yikes".

This occurs when a price reversal sales and traders are left scrambling to exit their position therefore fueling a rapid price swing that we can trade for potential nice quick options profits.


  • Trade a fantastic system that has stood the test of time
  • Capture high momentum price swings and ride those swings with options
  • Enjoy high accuracy that makes you feel smarter about the way you trade.
  • The potential of making that track record below with options, compounding options!


  • Juggernaut of a system that just keeps on chugging and chugging
  • Hit optimized, energized swing moves
  • Have a crystal clear trading plan.

I'll let you know the secret: good trading systems don't ever "feel" like they're going to work.

What did I just say? I said good trading systems always give you a feel while trading them and that they're not going to work. What the heck? Why is that?

If you trade by feel you're usually trading by emotion.

And unless you develop a ninja, guru like, inner connection to your soul that is uninterrupted by any emotional disturbance you're probably trading emotionally. And emotional trading  loses 99.9% of the time.

So if your emotions are telling you that the next trade is going to fail or that the next trade seems risky or scary – then that next trade is probably going to work! :-) You think I'm making this up don't you.  You'll see what I'm talking about as you gain more experience trading if you don't have a lot already.

Check out the track record below.

We've been running the system for quite some time. The system keeps producing phenomenal results. Now I can't promise you future results because hopefully you know how that goes by now…

But since the Mercury1.7 Options Trading System has been performing over time then I say we have a good chance that the system will continue performing into the future.  So in that case it would be a very wise move to allocate at least some capital with at least some position sizing to this system

So how do you apply this system to your own trading?

Firstly the system comes in the form of a homestudy course. You learn the rules for entry, stop loss and profit-taking exit. You learn the additional X factor turbocharger profits week we've added over the years as well.

Then you go study the system back in time on charts. Try to apply the rules on the charge so you can confirm this system is true. Once you confirm the system is true then you'll have more confidence in trading the system. Because ultimately you'll need to trust the system.

But let's not go so fast on the into trading here. You start to practice trading historically by shoving the chart to the right and using the arrow key going day by day – then you react to the new bars as they pop up. Then you can start virtual trading and this CBOE has a good virtual trading platform.

Then you start trading in real time with real money but just start really small. As you trade small you won't get caught up in a storm of emotions. And start really making a habit out of trading the system correctly. Then as you feel comfortable and realize that you're not making mistakes move up to full position sizes. And you're good to go. So just do the same thing over and over and never stop. Our money management system handles compounding correctly and you can potentially hit a critical mass point where you're Chalcis really starts swelling if the system performs consistently and if you perform the system consistently over time.

So that's pretty much it in a nutshell. This MERCURY1.7 High Momentum Options Swing Trading System is a must-have options trading system. You should be running this continually at least with one stock with one contract and see what happens...

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